Tuesday 7th June - Last Day and Going Home

We had to check out of the B&B by 10AM, but Chris and Shiela let us leave our stuff in the B&B until later and we arranged for our cases to be taken to the ship by the luggage service.

So the day was really just about having another wander round the town, making some purchases and chillin' out.

Way to the pier, Mermaid Pub is just behind us, and boat ticket kiosk up ahead.

The Scillonian III (nobody talks about what happened to the first two)

Main Street, Hugh Town

We had a coffee here, it was OK, ATM to the right.

COOP - very handy for snacks and booze.

The next photos are effectively a  360 degree of the center of town.

Up the side street.

Silver Street

Up towards the gardens, Scillonian Club and Bike Hire.

We passed the time with a gurning competition - there was only ever going to be one winner.
Also, for £2.00 you can take a round the island bus trip. The bus goes from just outside the gardens - opposite the Town Hall and lets you off outside the Town Hall once the trip has been concluded - some 17 minutes later. So if you have 20 minutes to kill and the time is right, think about a round the island bus trip.

Panorama of Hugh Town Centre
The item below is a panorama of Hugh Town Harbour from the end of the Pier.

Click on the item and you will see a thin photo panorama. You will also see a + and - and an icon of a square within a square. Press the square within the square and then the + to zoom in. By pressing the left mouse button and using the mouse you can navigate around the view of the harbour. 

Have Fun !